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zabbix CacheSize 设置 __zbx_mem_malloc(): out of memory (requested 96 bytes)

__zbx_mem_malloc(): out of memory (requested 96 bytes)

zabbix  server  启动不起来


 11926:20240426:142051.625 Starting Zabbix Server. Zabbix 5.0.37 (revision 3f4cd9bec9b).
 11926:20240426:142051.625 ****** Enabled features ******
 11926:20240426:142051.625 SNMP monitoring:           YES
 11926:20240426:142051.625 IPMI monitoring:           YES
 11926:20240426:142051.625 Web monitoring:            YES
 11926:20240426:142051.625 VMware monitoring:         YES
 11926:20240426:142051.625 SMTP authentication:       YES
 11926:20240426:142051.625 ODBC:                      YES
 11926:20240426:142051.625 SSH support:               YES
 11926:20240426:142051.625 IPv6 support:              YES
 11926:20240426:142051.625 TLS support:               YES
 11926:20240426:142051.625 ******************************
 11926:20240426:142051.625 using configuration file: /etc/zabbix/zabbix_server.conf
 11926:20240426:142051.630 current database version (mandatory/optional): 05000000/05000007
 11926:20240426:142051.630 required mandatory version: 05000000
 11926:20240426:142051.638 server #0 started [main process]
 11928:20240426:142051.639 server #1 started [configuration syncer #1]
 11928:20240426:142051.897 __mem_malloc: skipped 0 asked 96 skip_min 18446744073709551615 skip_max 0
 11928:20240426:142051.897 [file:dbconfig.c,line:93] __zbx_mem_malloc(): out of memory (requested 96 bytes)
 11928:20240426:142051.897 [file:dbconfig.c,line:93] __zbx_mem_malloc(): please increase CacheSize configuration parameter
 11928:20240426:142051.897 === memory statistics for configuration cache ===
 11928:20240426:142051.897 free chunks of size     40 bytes:        1
 11928:20240426:142051.897 free chunks of size     48 bytes:        1
 11928:20240426:142051.897 free chunks of size     88 bytes:        1
 11928:20240426:142051.897 min chunk size:         40 bytes
 11928:20240426:142051.897 max chunk size:         88 bytes
 11928:20240426:142051.897 memory of total size 7222248 bytes fragmented into 72875 chunks
 11928:20240426:142051.897 of those,        176 bytes are in        3 free chunks
 11928:20240426:142051.897 of those,    7222072 bytes are in    72872 used chunks
 11928:20240426:142051.897 of those,    1165984 bytes are used by allocation overhead




日志提示Zabbix内存溢出了,out of memory (requested 96 bytes)和please increase CacheSize configuration parameter。 

需要增加CacheSize的大小,找到/etc/zabbix/zabbix_server.conf参数文件,检查发现CacheSize参数没有设置,使用默认的值,将其调整为2048M大小(新安装的Zabbix服务器,忘记调整一些参数设置了!),重启Zabbix Server服务,问题解决。


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